Weight Gain

Although weight-loss strategies are ubiquitous in the fitness industry, not every person in the world has that goal. In fact, questions about the best ways to gain weight pop up more often than you might think. Skinny teenagers, underweight adults, and hard gainers of all stripes scour the Internet for ways to put on muscle.

Sound familiar? Then you're in the right place.

How To Gain Weight:

  • Eat more calories than you expend.
  • Eat nutrient-dense, calorie-rich food.
  • Increase dietary fat intake.
  • Add a weight-gainer supplement.
  • Lift heavy weight.

If you're a hard gainer yourself, you've probably already heard the golden rule of weight gain: Eat up. We know, we know: You just can't eat anymore. You hate feeling uncomfortable. You don't like filling yourself with pizza and hamburgers.

We get that eating a lot isn't an easy job. But, really, the simplest way we can explain how to gain weight is exactly what you've heard over and over: eat lots of food, train heavy, and supplement smart.